Hello All,
Today I tried out using my tripod- that was fun&much more harder than it should have been. The camera lens was on manual focus &I was pouncing into place & just guessing where I was aiming- FAIL
As I was contending with a grumpy sick baby & putting my camera away, I remembered the awesome swivle LCD screen!darn it! next time we will position& focus a whole heap better.
A big sarcastic thank you goes to the model in my middle shot, as much as I love my beautiful loyal puppy her shedding hair drives me up the wall~!
I'm forever scooping it out of Vera's grasp, being coated in white long fluf as Im heading out the door and now.... a single hair ruins what would have been a lovely shot!!! ( see 3rd photo ny clicking on it to zoom in). I am by no means talented enough to photoshop that out.
So many little lessons&blessings this day has brought such as:
*Sending my love & prayers to Jesse who passed on many years ago today, we miss you always.
* I had a lovely surprise of winning an interior design colour swatch inspiration competition ($100 resene vouchers- yay!) .
* My friend Sarah who super talented and very passionate about photography, brought over some fanastic exposure and composition books for me to read.
Onward& upward.