Monday 16 July 2012

366 Daily Photo Challenge:

I am biting the bullet and officially dedicating to get my camera out daily to capture life and it's moments. With full time work looming, and horrible bugs& germs and viruses invading our house lately I have been letting it get in the way of my creativity and progress.

So* deep breathe*, as of today I will be taking a photo a day to post here every tuesday. I am super excited and there are a few ladies doing the same challenge that will motivate me to keep going with their blogs,work, and evident growth as photographers. Word of warning! hehe.. be prepared to see alot even more of my family on here as they are my world and keep me inspired.

 This time next year it will be so awesome to look back on and hopefully * fingers crossed*  I will be half way through my Diploma of Digital Photography!

 So here it goes... the Photo Challenge commences.


  1. Love this idea! Can't wait to see the weekly updates

  2. Wow such dedication & motivation!!!
    You CAN do it! I believe in you.
    Looking forward to your creative digital pieces.
    Lots of love Lis
