Monday, 15 October 2012


Out of clutter,
find simplicity.
From discord,
find harmony.
In the middle of difficulty
lies opportunity.
Albert Einstein
I have been trying to declutter my belongs ( somewhat unsuccessful), my mind and my art. To gain a little perspective sometimes horrible things happen and it really makes us step back and start to appreciate things we may be taking for granted. One of my best friends suggested a super therapudic way of achknowledging our blessings by writting down 5 important points routinely.
such as :
14th Oct 2012
* I love inspirational words
* I adore my dad/ vera's popa
* I appreciate and love my grandma/ vera's great grandma
* I love the connection two strangers who are mothers can have.
* I love sparkles.
Here are some sparkles that I love.


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