Monday 26 November 2012

Why hello there

hello hello,
I have a few exciting opportunities coming up in the very near future. One is photography 5+ families at Onepoto park for minisessions (eeekk). After posting Julie's pregnancy session it gained interest from her friends so she being completly fabulous organised this experience for me. She is even so amazing she let me do a practice run with her stunning children.How 'm going to keep limited to the timeframe is super hard for me to fathum though!. The next super exciting experience and privilage I will be having is to photography my beautiful friend Ninette and her lovely finance Andre. They will be having a session before they jump ship and marry in their homeland-South Africa.
I have been such a slacker at studying at the moment (but practicing daily non- the less) and I found out about the free extention of 6months to a year- that is a weight lifted off my shoulders and less pressure which is fantastic. 

I have had a fantastic past week with spending time doing photography, having a Canadian thanksgiving dinner, partying with lovely people and then having a wonderful roadtrip to see my beautiful friend Amber who was over from Australia for the weekend. Here are a few whots from the week that was xx

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the photo of Avera with her cutesie ruffle bloomers and the bubbles. I didn't realise you got an extension on your course. Fair enough, you are one busy lady!
    Look forward to more photos!
